Hijack v480 is now available.
New in this release:
- crash-recovery may now be more reliable.
- extra stalk debug info.
- new FidEntry fake button code.
- removed AM,FM entries from default PopUp0, replaced with Tuner.
- added FidEntry to default PopUp0.
The FidEntry function is the major new feature, that perhaps 3 of us will enjoy.

By default, it can be found on Hijack's PopUp0 menu, which can be assigned to the knob using the Hijack menu
Knob Press Redefinition feature. Once that is done, a short tap of the knob brings up PopUp0, and the knob can rotate to peruse the sub-menu. This is nothing new.
Alternately, one can use the ir_translate feature to assign the FidEntry function to any available button, such as the '4' on the RioRemote, with something like this in the config.ini file:
; Not tested by me:
Four.M=FidEntry.NOnce FidEntry is active, use the digits on the remote to enter the complete desired fid number, in hex. The next/prev buttons work as expected, as does the knob and all of the other usual suspects. Press Menu/Ok (or the Knob) when done, and your FID will play (if valid).
Users of the Kenwood remote can substitute DNPP for the Menu/Ok button, as usual.