Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a little surprised, too.

It looks like Blue/Dreamhost both have the problem that they will suspend your account without warning, which is completely absurd and unnecessary. I know it's in their terms of service that they can do it that suddenly, but why do they need to? Why not send a warning email and at least give the person a day or two to "make it right" or at least straighten it out over the phone.

I have two positive things to say about your situation: at least with Bluehost, you can get in touch with someone immediately via phone. When Dreamhost cut off my account, they were completely unreachable and emails went unanswered for a day or two. Also, with Dreamhost, they didn't just temporarily disable my account, they dropped the bomb and eliminated me as a customer. It took quite a bit of pleading to get them to put my data back long enough for me to download it all and backup my databases. ...I despise Dreamhost

Anyway, I'm doing well with Bluehost so far. I'll be sure to update this thread if the same thing happens to me.