Originally Posted By: andym
Many thanks for all your input. We're only going to stay in the NY for a couple of days, we've both been there in the past (although not together). We just figured it would break the travel up a little.

I think we're going to fly into SF, hire a car and probably head south. We're going to try and book some flights this weekend and probably sort a car out too. Still not 100% on what we'll do and where to go, bit more research I think.

Two things that I thought were really cool, and free, to do on the left cost that not too many people do are:

«» See the taping of a TV show. I went to a sit-com and had a blast

«» Go to the off road park at Pismo beach and ride the rental car along the shore and partially into the waves. Just don’t go “off the hard pack” as they say. If you go too far from the water you’ll sink in sand up to the frame. Of course I did this and fortunately a nice 4X4 truck pulled me out.