On the recommendation of Cris I bought a Thomson Speedtouch 546 to replace my Netgear DG854G and can't recommend it enough. At its worst my Netgear was dropping carrier several times a day and usually needing a restart every week. The Thomson runs for months on end and I also gained a whole meg in downstream speed. The Netgear has been relegated to AP duties until I get a around to playing with 802.11n.
Ah you see 8 years in the ADSL delivery game have taught me a few things

The Thomson routers are bomb proof, I have 2 and the things just refuse to drop sync. You can get them cheap if you look around, they don't seem to have the wireless version at the moment but keep an eye out
here.Edit - Tell a lie, they have the 580 for
£14.99 !!! got to be worth a shot!