That is the problem with DSL, if you are stuck on a long line no amount to tweaking or profile changing will ever get you the max the product can deliver on a shorter line.
When I used to visit customer's premises it really pissed me off that I couldn't get 8Mbps so I now have 2 DSL lines linked together using the Multi-WAN function of clarkconnect and I get just over 1Mb a second transfer speeds, or somewhere around 10Mbps I think. I must admit that was a much better solution when I didn't have to pay for the 2nd broadband line

Having said that, there are some real good deals out there on broadband at the moment. I am using o2 and Sky at the moment and am paying about £7 less per month for them both than I was paying for one line with Zen. I have to admit they are both very good, I even get a fixed IP with o2 (£5 extra per month). And now I have my IP ranges sorted out myself I find the Multi-WAN really works well.