1. Unfortunately, right now, it's all I got. No translation problems since the national language is English. If this doesn't fix it, we'll have to find some way to get it towed into the city. This is complicated by:
a. There is no public road that goes to our property. The only road goes across land that is owned by a large farming corporation in the US. They have it gated and they will only allow us through on rare occasions. Even then, it's a lot of work to get them to open the gate.
b. We have a good sized boat, but a couple of drug addicts in the village keep stealing the engine. (Which is ironic, since the only reason we are there is to help the villagers.) We've lost 3 engines total, two in the last 6 months. We can't afford to purchase a third right now, so we're down to a little 15 hp backup that can barely get the boat back and forth across the lagoon.
c. Even if we towed it to the city, it's difficult to find an honest mechanic, especially if your skin is the shade that ours is. We have one van that's been at the mechanics for 3 years while they yank our chains around and never fix it. We stopped giving them money after year one. Every time we come into the city, they promise it will be done, and then make up an excuse when we get there to pick it up. Argh!
d. We're definitely not in Kansas anymore Toto.
2. That may end up happening, but we'll give the bus guy a chance first.
3. That's why the controller shuts the system down...so the batteries don't get damaged. It's only a problem on cloudy days or when we have large groups there. When it's sunny, we cruise right through the night with no problems.
4. When there's a bit of a breeze coming off the water and it's not sweltering hot...it can be a paradise

Under other conditions, it can sometimes be the other place.