Also, you seem to be arguing that the way the government will avoid inflation is by creating inflation. The easiest way to cause inflation is by printing more money.

I think you misunderstand me, Bitt. The government is not going to avoid inflation. They are going to inflate the holy hell out of the currency as the only possible way of digging themselves out of the 11 trillion dollar debt they have already run up, more than 40 trillion if you take into account the "guarantees" they have promised like medicare, social security, and oh, yes, let's not forget interest on the debt. A perspective: The U.S. spends more on military than the combined totals of the next 15 countries and the military is by far the largest portion of the national budget. The interest we pay on that debt every year would fund nearly half of the military. The debt continues to rise at a rate of more than a million dollars a minute. Don't believe for a million dollars (oh, wait, minute) that there is any way out of this morass short of paying it off with fiat money.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"