Originally Posted By: Shonky
Originally Posted By: gbeer
But, if you had purchased $1000.00 worth of beer one year ago.
Drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling refund you would have $214.00.

That doesn't sound right. 21.4% of the cost of beer can be recovered by recyling?

Taking an Aluminium price of $2.20/kg (in bulk). That's 100kg of Al. I'll guess at $20/carton of beer (fairly cheap I think) so 50 cartons. That means 2kg of Aluminium per carton. No way...

To reverse it around: a can only weighs about 15g. 100kg of Al is ~6600 cans. 6 for a dollar? smile

Even aluminium has dropped from around ~$3/kg to $2.20/kg in the past few months.

Is my maths wrong?

$6.50 for a dozen 12oz cans is more like it.

$1000/ $6.50/carton * 12cans/carton * $0.10per/can = ~$184

I'm not at all sure that $6.50/12pk is the cheapest that beer can be had for. Seems I often see the stuff for sale at prices less than that of soda pop.

As always, buying low is better.

EDIT: Or should that be "Buy Low, Get High"

Edited by gbeer (22/10/2008 02:00)