Well suit yourself

I obviously disagree that the bash script is more readable than Tcl. Also, if I used xmlstarlet and wget, I would shave about 130 lines off of that code. I could easily make it a quarter of the size of that bash script.
Downloading the high-res trailers is a trivial modification. Also, I think it's a much cleaner solution to check the folder for existing movies than to maintain a flat file. I'm not looking to delete a movie to save 20 mb of diskspace, and the previews are rotated every so often anyways. If I was going to persist data, I would just go ahead and make a full-fledged sqlite database containing all of the movie info provided by apple.
I suppose though that we are after two different solutions. You want to see new and upcoming movies on your TV. So I'm sure disk space is limited and you only want to see new stuff that you're interested in anyways and don't want to re-download trailers you've deleted because they don't interest you. I, on the other hand, would like to have the preview of every movie ever made if I could. I enjoy doing things like mirroring wikipedia.
Still, I'd take Tcl over bash for a 200 line script any day. By all means though, use what works for you.