I stopped using the 720 feed if you look closely at the last copies I posted. Your script didn't deal with different filename standards nor file extensions that were present in Apple's feed, so instead I look only at the base feed and instead create the correct filenames for the different sizes as required. The filename formats I've included in my changes are the ones necessary to get the correct/full downloads of the movie files. The filename formats included in the initial script you wrote wouldn't work for all the posted videos.
I've made a number of of other changes that aren't included in the copy I last put up here and it's been running flawlessly since that time.
The only drawback stems from the simple fact that Apple simply doesn't post all its videos to the XML feed. The most robust solution would instead use their RSS feed, but it's a lot more complicated to parse out as it also receives content such film excerpts. A very robust (I only did a quick look) script exists for MythTV that uses the RSS feed. Since I had what I needed working I didn't look into porting it though.
Someday when I have some time I'll re-write this in PHP, since bash scripting is just about the most useless and ugly pile of crap I've ever had the displeasure of working with. No offense to anyone who happens to like bash scripting of course.

If I have the chance in the next few days I'll send up my current version and you can take a look at the changes I've made.