Whilst not strictly on topic, this might help you make up your mind about the Hackintosh.
Today I took delivery of my new Mac Pro Quad 2.66 (new model). If you like a well thought out, well put together machine then this is for you. Worth every penny of the Apple Tax just because it's a thing of beauty. Not since my first PC (an ex corporate server from 1989
Olivetti M380-XP9 which cost over £10,000 new - Still got it

) have I seen something bolted together so well and with so much thought.
I know this doesn't have too much to do with performance, but for me one of the reasons I moved to Mac is that I just want it to work most of the time, and last. This Mac Pro is going to last! It screams quality.
Bench marks are also pretty good, I am seeing a massive increase in overall performance over my old MacBook of course, but compare to others in the new range I think it holds it's head up for the money. I am glad I spent the extra £92 and got the Mac Pro. (was looking at an iMac)