I was hoping one of you guys would have a Kill-a-Watt or something.
That reminded me I do have one of these, it was attached to my UPS. Good job I you reminded me as I discovered my UPS cells have failed. When I pulled the plug the whole shebang went off!
I was quite surprised by these results. All on my Quad 2009 2.66 only difference from stock is I have a 1Tb Samsung Spinpoint F1 in bay 2...
Turned off but plugged in - 12w
Idle at desktop - 138w
Single Core at max - 163w
8 HT Cores at max - 252w
Standby (sleep) - 18w
All higher than I guessed. What surprises me most is when I look at my workstation as a whole here. With everything on standby I am running at 103w, and with everything powered on and running at max I am at 502w !!!! Gotta do something about that, this isn't the only computer I have in the house either, I have another 2 one all the time and a PC that's in standby most of the time. I have one of those extension leads that cuts off the other 5 sockets when the computer is in standby, time to dig it out!
PS - Anyone know where a good place to get replacement cells for a Belkin UPS is?