If I take a photograph, it is my property that I can do with as I wish.
I agree with you in part. But I can also see others points of view.
Imagine Google took a hi-res picture of your house and your house only and posted it to their front page with out your permission. Now they don't need permission to do that, but does that make it right? Is that what the law is there to do?
I am not so sure the law is right. If you walk down my street I have the chance to capture an image of them doing that, but if you are on the internet you are free to scan a street of houses to see security weaknesses and target properties from a massive distance. On my street for example the images are so good you can clearly see who has alarms and who doesn't as both sides of all the houses are visible.
Now if Google StreetView didn't exist the person checking out my house stands a good chance of getting captured on my cctv system, legally I might add. Now that is more fair?
I think it's amazing and impressive technology, but I really don't see the point or use of it. Apart for spying on people of course.