Yeah... you just gotta be careful about doing that. Some camera makers (notably Olympus) will disable features if the card wasn't formatted in the camera, and/or isn't their brand of card.
I think it is only the "special" Olympus branded xD and SmartMedia cards that do the checks?
Yeah... I just wasn't sure if anyone other than Olympus did it, so I thought I'd toss the warning out there.
They're exactly the same as a regular xD card but they've got a flag in the header which you can't normally access that tells the camera to enable the extra features.
And if anyone knows how to access that header under Linux, so I can flip my bits, I'd appreciate the knowledge. I wouldn't have purchased an Olympus at all, but they're the only camera maker out there with a waterproof/crushproof/shockproof camera suitable for whitewater kayaking.