Originally Posted By: Dignan
But then there's last month. Our Tivo started freezing quite a bit and rebooting. I posted this and several other symptoms to the Tivo forums, and they correctly diagnosed it as hard disk failure on the external drive

I have a Pioneer-branded TiVo, not sure what series but it is single tuner and not HD, that SWMBO bought used at a pretty reasonable price. She bought it because it had a lifetime subscription, and also a built-in DVD player/recorder. It is exhibiting the symptoms you describe: random reboots and lockups. It is most likely to reboot or lock up when playing back a previous recording at the same time it is recording a new one. I always make sure that I have it paused in playback mode before turning it off and this helps, but I still average one or two reboots/lockups per day.

There is no external hard drive on this TiVo, but could my trouble be caused by an internal hard drive problem? And if so, just how daunting a task is it to replace the hard drive? I think it is a pretty small hard drive, it only holds 30 hours at the next-to-best recording quality.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"