The speculation now is, what else was damaged by the overheating? Radiator, electricals, etc? I could get the car repaired for less if the damage wasn't extensive.

tanstaafl: Regarding the blown head gasket, I didn't notice coolant smoke coming out the exhaust until the ticking sound was severe and loss of power was scary. I didn't drive it until seizure, but rather until compression loss made it stall at the highway exit ramp red light.

Other symptoms of note: In the month before death, I twice noticed a puff of blue smoke from the exhaust when I first started the car in the morning; just that once per day. A friend suggested leaking valve seals, letting oil into the engine overnight. Not fatal, apparently. Or was it a chink in the head gasket?

larry818: Thankfully, my sister has a 1993 245 which I can care for. I love its simplicity, but I need that one extra cylinder of power from the newer models.

I hope my 2000 car had a coolant level sensor, but I never saw it flash. The temp gauge was up two ticks after I'd coasted to a stop. I was too panicked to check it before then.

Probably some mechanic hosed up playing with the hose...

This is possible, but tough to prove. ~7 weeks and ~1200 miles before death, the car experienced rare rough idle after a drive. The dealership replaced the "camshaft reset valve", whatever that is. If that job was somehow botched, maybe it started the engine death sequence. I'd love to know, but can't think how to prove it.

I'm going to talk to the shop and see if we can get the engine swap bill down to $3500. Skimp a little, which is not my style, but for such a high bill, I'll make an exception. Thanks again.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set