Let me re-explain. I wasn't talking about multi-scanning monitors. When I used 60Hz it's because the computer and monitor were both fixed at that rate. Commodore 64, Amiga, etc...
With a Windows PCs I used my last Amiga monitor briefly but then went immediately to a top of the line Nanao so I could easily max out the capabilities of any graphics card at the time.
That said, 60Hz still didn't provide any type of visible flicker nor headache inducing effect for me. The higher refresh rates however were great for animation and later 3D, so long as the playback was in sync with the scan rate.
Maybe you guys were using shitty monitors with other flaws other than 60Hz scan rate.

Like I said, most people are still looking at 60Hz today in their TVs.
Now if you want to mention crappy magnetic ballasts for fluorescent lighting and low cycles...