Which is interesting because last time I had my eyes tested I was told my convergence was crap.
I don't get my eyes tested, so I can't tell you how bad/good they are. I did have them tested 5 years ago, and was told he could give me glasses but I could manage fine without them. At that point I figured that was a total waste of money, and until I start bumping into things I won't be going back.
Everyone's eyes are slightly different distances apart, right? Do you think this has any bearing on how good the effect is for that individual? There has to be many many factors like this that could cause problems with 3D films.
And a brief comment on the off topic thread here, I had my Amiga 500 plugged into a 14inch portable TV, now that thing flickered like a bitch at any output

When I got my first PC monitor 72Hz was better for me, but my mate at the time couldn't tell the difference and saw no flicker at either. Everyone is different I guess.