In the interest of fostering the first-ever, virtual "It's a Small World, After All!" Empeg owners sing-along, I would note that "customers who are not currently served by the SONICblue eStore" don't have too many reasons to be jealous of those who presumably are, at least in the case of current Empeg owners (you *can* at least buy a whole new Empeg/RioCar on the site).

In anticipation of the arrival of my new wheels, I queried SonicBlue about docking sleds and received an e-mail on May 31 saying that "the US eStore should have docking sleds in stock by the end of next week". I fear someone was being overly optimistic as that date (June 9) has come and gone. I check the store every day, but it sounds like I may just want to wait (or perhaps I have no choice?) until July 1 (or do I then risk my order falling into a backlog? Will the "special deal" appeal to existing or prospective owners??).

Well, the new car, a Subaru WRX wagon, is quite cool, but it cries out for real music. I have a road trip through Oregon scheduled for the July 4th holiday (you know, ironically, the one to celebrate Uh-mehr-i-cun [ptang!*] indeependence from British tyranny**) and would dearly love to avoid deinstalling my one and only sled from the boat to add to the car for that trip.

I appreciate that getting this stuff available is complicated. Not just adding items to the site itself, but getting that container shipped from _______ (wherever these are now made) and even getting them manufactured (allowing for the possibility -- possibly to the good -- that Rio has contracted with different shops to lower component prices). Anyhow, while the Empeg is the center of *my* electronic universe, I understand that is, and will likely remain, a relatively low-volume manufacturing job (compared to any other doo-dad I own anyway) and that availability issues, well, they happen.

I remain, as always, over-eager,


* Ptang -- the sound of soggy, hopelessly carcinogenic material hitting a brass spitoon.
** Presumably, any tyranny I'm currently experiencing is directed from the Dark, Forbidding Corporate Headquarters in Vancouver, Washington. I'll be stopping in Portland on my roadtrip. Would it help to drop by and beg???

Edited by jimhogan on 21/06/01 07:26 PM.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.