I thought MixZing was pretty good, but I uninstalled it because my G1 couldn't handle it...or pretty much any app

DoubleTwist is the closest you'll get to an iPhone/iTunes setup, though, for what that's worth

I don't think I have many new apps to recommend. Many of the recent ones I've installed are ones that were finally added to Android after being on the iPhone for so long, like the IMDb app.
Here's a list of the apps I use the most frequently:
Doggcatcher - I've gone back to using this for podcasts instead of my Zune HD because I can download new episodes anywhere on my phone, and it just handles podcasts better. Probably my most-used and favorite app.
Email to Self - this app is my memory. I use this app so often that now, in five seconds, I can turn on my phone, unlock it, launch this app, write a two-word reminder to myself, send it, and turn my phone off. Later I'll be at my computer and have a message from myself in my inbox (that I've filtered to mark as read) reminding me to do something. I use this app constantly while I'm out, as often as 10 times a day.
Swype - the other reason I've become so fast with the Email to Self app is that I have Swype on my phone. I'm still getting proficient with it, and it's still in beta, but I already really dig it. There are a few annoyances to get over, but it's a great replacement keyboard.
Amazon - the most dangerous app on my phone

OI Shopping List - I still use this every single time I go to the grocery store.
Every time I don't, I end up hearing the following from my wife: "uh, sweetie, did you get the ____?"

Voice - the Google Voice app. It's my voicemail and my text messaging (the little text messaging that I do) all in one. One of the most killer features of Android phones.
Twitter - the official client is by far the most attractive of the many Twitter clients. I'm still uncertain of Twitter's place in my life, but I've found it useful for communicating with a few companies that have decided the only place they'll do customer support is Twitter (which is dumb)
Games: Bonsai Blast (like Zuma), Radiant (top-down flying shooter), Wixel (make words from random letters), Air Control (land planes - not as full as the iPhone version, unfortunately, and definitely not like the iPad version), SNESoid (SNES emulator - works flawlessly and without rooting your phone, but I just hate controlling these games with a touch screen).
MyTracks - I can't believe I haven't mentioned this app in this thread yet! MyTracks is incredible! When I go out walking, I just turn this on and go. Then when I'm done, I stop it, and I have a map of my route! I can then export that route to My Maps or a Google Docs spreadsheet.
DC Metro Transit Info - clearly only useful if you live in DC and take the Metro, but it'll tell you when trains are arriving at various stations.
Movies - download the app with the blue background and the bucket of popcorn. It's easily the best app for movie showtimes. I've even purchased tickets in advance through it.
Urbanspoon - great for finding nearby restaurants.
Zillow - I wonder what that house might be worth... what do homes in this area go for?...

Open Spot - new app from Google. it relies on other Open Spot users to report their parking space as open when they leave it. I'm not sure how useful this will be, as it requires users to report their spots, and in DC it doesn't even matter because for every open parking space there's two cars on the block looking for spots. Still, I wan't to try it...
New apps I just installed:
Traffic Cam Viewer - I just installed this yesterday. the interface is terrible, but with the amount of driving I do in a day, I need to know if the road I'm on is backed up. I use this and the traffic layer for Google maps to find out.
SDMove - written by our very own Bitt! It's definitely helpful to know which apps can be moved to SD storage.