Overall I like the phone. I **really** like Swype, although it takes some serious time to get acclimated to its quirks.
Agreed on both counts. I'm going to try out another keyboard soon called "Swift Key" or something. It's on the market.
I find myself missing a variety of iPhone-isms, like holding a finger over text and having the magnifying glass show up so you can do fine selection. Android really assumes you've got some sort of hardware cursor, and you've got that on a Nexus One, but not on the Droid X.
Oh wow, I hadn't even thought about that. Yeah, that's 90% of what I use the trackball for. Sorry, I'm not sure what to do if you don't have that. Perhaps this is something Gingerbread will address...

I'm still getting used to various things. Today, I discovered that the "unified messaging" app (which I assume is some kind of Motorola addition) is fubar.
Wow, yeah, it sounds like you're suffering from some of the crap that Motorola put on there. It amazes me that Motorola still has even an inkling of a thought that they can write software. Do they not remember how awful their phones' UIs were? Android isn't the smoothest OS in the bunch, but it sounds like the stock build is better than what Moto or even HTC's UIs are.
It's too bad you can't put the stock build on there. Caleb is apparently slightly inaccurate in saying that the phone bricks if you try to put stock Froyo (or anything else) on. Apparently it comes back if you put the approved software back on. Depending on how well the Droid X sells, I can't imagine it will be long before someone figures out a way around that stupid eFuse thing that "protects Motorola's users." What BS.