A quick google suggests that dbPowerAmp works just fine using Wine.
So, let me get this straight. I should get rid of Windows and run Linux so I can run my Windows programs under Linux in a Windows emulator?
I guess I'm just a Luddite at heart. I have a good-performing Windows system with the software I want in it, running quite well with good stability and speed. There are things that Linux will do more easily (such as cloning a system drive!) but I just don't do those things very often, and when I need to do them there are usually Windows workarounds, albeit sometimes clumsy ones. I have too much invested (time, money, learning curve, etc.) in Windows to capriciously switch to another OS for what I perceive to be marginal gains.
If I were starting from scratch (rather than being chained down by more than 30 years of computer experience) I would seriously consider Linux. But, you know how it goes. Old dogs, new tricks...
ps: I claim another bbs first usage for the word "capricious".