A quick google suggests that dbPowerAmp works just fine using Wine.
So, let me get this straight. I should get rid of Windows and run Linux so I can run my Windows programs under Linux in a Windows emulator?
No... Wine Is Not an Emulator -- it's a re-implementation of the .dll libraries. That said, my response was less to you, than to Andy. There may be no open-source equivalent as richly featured as dbPowerAmp, but since the original works under Wine, it's not an argument for keeping someone off of Linux. Just because the OS is open-source doesn't mean you aren't allowed to use paid-for/closed-source apps on it.

FWIW, I note that you left off the cost of the operating system in your list of things you paid money for. And, if you want to be fully compliant, you really ought to ensure that the terms of the site license allow you to continue using that software once you're no longer part of the "site". Just because they said you can use it doesn't mean the license permits such use.