it got reported as if "retina" was a competing technology to LCD or OLED.
Really? I think I recall only ever reading anyone describe it as a high resolution IPS LCD.
But I wouldn't be surprised to hear that someone(s) out there misreported it. Having worked so many tradeshows, I've heard a lot of different interpretations for things I'd always thought of as simple facts or specs.

The iTab is going to be $600 at Verizon starting November 11th. Good luck with that. $100 more expensive than the base iPad and only $30 cheaper than the iPad+MiFi bundle Verizon is also selling.
Why is every generic and brown-bag manufacturer using a 7" panel to make their generic and yawn-inducing "tablet" products? No one finds it strange that not one of them wants to distinguish themselves from their contemporaries? None of them wants to setup up to the big leagues to compete with a tier 1 company like Apple? Outright copying Apple's industrial design is not competition.
Did Jobs call these products a "bag of hurt" this time around? That's an understatement if so.
The smartest (though also most obvious) thing I've read lately comes from LG:
Windows 7 is based on the same paradigm as 1985 -- it's really an interface that's optimized for a mouse and keyboard
And of course that Android isn't currently suited for functioning tablets.