Dude, why are you so vitriolic about this stuff? Just relax for a second, ok?
You do understand that "shipped" is completely different from "sold," right? You seem to be saying they're the same thing. I can easily see Samsung shipping 1 million units to stores, and that doesn't mean they've sold anywhere close to that many. Remember that while Apple was initially selling them in their small number of stores and online, Samsung is starting off selling in the stores of three major wireless carriers as well as Best Buy.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they're able to sell that many in the next few months. The features it'll have in the future is irrelevant, by the way. I've heard plenty of good things about the Tab, and that review you linked really wasn't very good. A lot of people had a lot of gut reactions to the device, and I think many of them didn't just chill for a second and review it for what it was, and not compare it to the iPad.
From what I'm hearing, there is one definite advantage that the Tab has over the iPad: Android apps simply scale better. That's not to say that there shouldn't be tablet apps. There definitely should, and the Tab (and all Android tablets) will be behind the iPad in that regard for years, frankly. But they're at least starting out half-way because the phone apps don't like like total crap on the tablets. (sorry, but iPhone apps look like garbage on the iPad

Anyway, I don't really care for the Tab. I tried it out in the store and it's nice and all, but it's ridiculously priced (at a level so clearly created by the wireless carriers), and I simply won't be locked into a contract.
Instead, I'm looking at getting an Archos tablet. No, they won't be in the same league as the iPad (or even the Tab), but they also top out at $350. They don't ship with support for the Market app, but it's a trivial fix to put it on there. For a device that I'm only using for reading comics and Google Reader (which just had an official app released! yay!), it'll be great.