
And, I take this is a disadvantage because in order to increase DoF you need to decrease aperture and therefore you will need more light/longer exposure time, all else being constant. Am I correct? But, I suppose that sharpness or detail level will not be affected directly by this, as they mostly depend on the optics quality?

Optical quality has little to do with it. The more you stop down your lenses the more optical quality you are losing to diffraction. It's a physical fact that no lens technology can solve. What you want is a lens that is going to be diffraction-limited at a certain aperture. That's the best you can hope for. If you look at lens tests you will see most high-quality lenses start getting the same lp/mm numbers as aperture goes up. That is the diffraction limit. Also it matters little if your lens is 50mm or 100mm at 1:1 and higher. Depth of field is basically the same in both cases: not good.