We currently don't have a DVR, but have had TiVo in the past and are returning to it. I'll be purchasing a Premiere with life time subscription for $486. I did not consider the DVRs from Comcast (current basic cable provider) or Verizon (current internet provider, 10mbit FiOS) as I'm planning on going OTA, and the ability to easily upgrade from the provided 320gb to 2tb of capicity.

From recent reading on the TiVo forums transfer speed is improved on the current boxes to the degree that you can start watching shortly after the copy has begun. But yes, this would require a TiVo for each TV.

I do know someone who is broadcasting the output of their DVR to other TVs in the house over coax on channel 1. Not sure of the details. Down side is that every TV is showing the same thing...don't know if that is a solution for you.