B(h)ell offers "Fibe", which is their marketing term for VDSL, but not fibre.
I read the same thing elsewhere, perhaps DSLReports. I definitely trust your word over Bell's. Bell however, claim in plain English and black and white, that "Fibe" stands for "Fibre Optic"
Sure, perhaps it does. But that does not mean that you get fibre when you sign up for "fibe". They don't say that, and nobody does.

Most "fibe" customers are serviced from little bulgy brown boxes, usually located at the end of a fibre run, within 2km of the end users. Copper pairs are used from the box ("remote") to the customers.
But sometimes the remotes don't even have fibre backhaul, instead using bonded pairs (copper) back to the network.
So they (Bhell) figure,
there's fibre somewhere in our network, so let's call the entire service fibe. More honest people prefer to spell it as "fib".