For that money, get the Vita-Mix. We use ours all the time, it's awesome. 2hp! yeah!
If that's all you're going by, I'm sorry to say that the Blendtec beats it

I'm pretty sure it's 3hp. Besides, the Vita-Mix is out purely based on its size. I simply don't have anywhere to put that in our already-cluttered kitchen

The larger carafe on the BlendTec will make an enormous difference in blending performance, and not only because it has a 4" blade. I've noticed when blending things in the past that a narrow carafe causes larger food items to simply float or bounce around above the blade. A larger base, especially with corners, will allow the food to fall next to the blade, and also help it get stuck, at least momentarily. Giving the blade a chance to cut through it.
This is the only valuable thing I've gotten out of comparison videos on Youtube. It's astonishing how much more efficient the wider carafe is at breaking stuff down. It's also nice, of course, to have more capacity.
Matt, you could always go whole-hog and get one of the commercial BlendTec products with a 3 year warranty. $1200. Zing. Available all the way up to 2400 watts and 20 amps!
Ha! Yeah, I don't think that would make it past the wife

I've personally used a Vita-Mix many times and I quite liked them. But if I were to buy something today, it would probably be a BlendTec with the Wildside carafe.
Good to know, since I settled pretty early on that exact configuration. Actually, I could save some money by going with the model that only comes with the "Wildside," but I'd like to have an extra carafe on hand if I need to make two things with the blender. I have limited storage, but because those instances should be rare, I can store the extra carafe in the back of a corner cabinet.
I'd probably set up a pedestal near the foyer to show off such a blender anyway.

That's how much I'm anticipating liking this thing as well

It is quite difficult to clean, and Vita-Mix says that the carafe is not dishwasher safe. They say the way to clean it is to put some hot water in the carafe along with a few drops of dish washing soap, and spin it up for half a minute or so. That works, not as well as my Bosch dishwasher would do, but adequate.
Thanks so much for this info. One of the first things I checked out was whether the carafes on these blenders were dishwasher safe, and it appears that not a single one is. This didn't bother me too terribly when I read about that water/soap trick, but I'd also heard that it wasn't completely effective and that I'd have to hand wash every few times. Oh well, that's a sacrifice I can make. My current blender's carafe is glass, so that was fine in the dishwasher, but the glass got chipped and now it leaks, so it I suppose it wasn't happy with the dishwasher process either

Ebay has 13 new BlendTec HP3A blenders at $399 with free shipping...
Eh...I'm just not an ebay guy. I simply don't trust the sellers there in most cases, at least not enough to bother going there to save $30 on the non-combo model. The model with the two carafes isn't going for any less on ebay. And I get free two-day shipping from Amazon Prime anyway.
I just noticed that in the eBay auctions they claim you can grate cheese.. In a blender. Hmm. Whipped cheese is not grated cheese.
Yeah, I heard that briefly in a demonstration video, but I haven't been able to find anything else out about it. I agree, I don't see how these things would produce anything I'd called "shredded" cheese. I'd be slightly more willing to believe "grated," but that's still a stretch. I can't seem to find anything online about how it exactly goes about doing this. I'm assuming there's a preset somewhere in the system, and that it spins the blades at a slower speed?
I did watch a cool video of a guy making peanut butter. That looked amazing, and he didn't add a single thing to the blender other than peanuts. It was NUTS I tell you! Sorry.
I have an old Krups that works just fine.
Do you have a link to the model, or perhaps the updated version of the model? I'd at least be curious to read up on it...