I will just throw in that I have been working very closely with a home schooled teenager at our church, and she is one of the brightest, most reliable, well spoken people I have ever met. Her siblings (4) were not home schooled, so I don't know why they decided to do it with her, but she has certainly not suffered in terms of either her education or her ability to relate socially with others. I have seen plenty of examples of home schooled students who struggle with social skills, but in this case I think she has quite a few social outlets (she is involved in the youth group at church, the worship team with me, and performs regularly in a local theater group). The most surprising thing to me is her independent thought from her parents- we have discussed numerous things that her parents have very strict beliefs and she differs, and they are comfortable with this. I would have figured in a home schooling situation this would be a difficult thing- you would expect the child to parrot the parents.
From talking with her, the only thing she regrets is missing prom