Have you seen images of the new Nexus next to an iPhone? It looks just a tad bigger than huge.

Wonderful! I'm glad about that. I think the manufacturers need to focus on making a better variety of screen sizes, but I'm glad I have the option of getting a phone with a large screen. I saw a freind's "Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch Plus Other Extraneous Names" last weekend, and the screen is stunning.
Screen size preference is subjective, IMO, and for that reason I think Apple would do well to increase the size on the iPhone 5. 3.5" is proving to be the minimum for a useful smartphone. That's not to say that the iPhone's screen isn't usable. I agree with what others have said about the keyboard, and I've always been shocked at how well the keyboard works. It's certainly harder to type on some Android phones even with another half inch on them. I think this is because of the superior screen hardware the iPhone has over most Android phones.
I'm sure it's no surprised to anyone here that I'm excited about the Galaxy Nexus, but mostly just because I'm tired of my Nexus One. I'm looking forward to the advancements made in Android 4.0, too (except the face unlock - that looks a little useless).
I wanted to make one last point about screens. Screen size is not as important to me as two other dimensions: bezel width and distance from the glass. The second factor, which I think Android manufacturers and Apple have only just recently fixed, is how far away from the glass the LCD is. This is especially noticeable on my Nexus One, where it looks like my screen is in a museum in a glass-encased exhibit. When I hold my phone at an angle with the screen on, it looks like nearly 2mm of depth from the glass. The 3GS is nowhere near as bad, but you can still see it.
But on the 4/4S and the Galaxy S II phones, it looks like there's zero space there, and that makes it look so much more impressive and clearer. That's just as exciting to me as the larger screens.
Oh, one more thing: I think we can all agree that the real loser this week was Motorola. Who's going to buy the RAZR? It's hideous, the OS won't get upgraded until early next year, and the Galaxy Nexus is just a better option in almost every way! I keep reading that people felt bad for Motorola because the Samsung announcement came ~12 hours after theirs. Well, I think they were lucky, because going by the initial plan, they would have come out a whole WEEK after everyone had moved on to 4.0 as the exciting new thing. This way they at least got ~12 hours