Matt, I thought I'd run another product by you again, but let me get something straight before I do.
On your phone/OS, can you specify which external BT device will be used for AVRCP and A2DP even when you have two devices that support both, or one device that supports both and the other only A2DP?
Unfortunately I couldn't say! I'm guessing that wouldn't work, but it's a great idea. Heck, for $13 I might give it a try!

I emailed Jabra to see if I could do the same thing with their BT3030, which is essentially the same kind of device. They didn't officially provide that kind of support, but anecdotally she had someone in the office with an Android phone check out the bluetooth settings, and it appeared to only show phone and music profiles. It wouldn't show a separate AVRCP profile.
I don't know if my phone or any phone will separate that profile from the others or not. At this point I'm guessing it wouldn't, given the complete lack of devices that do remote control only. I'd imagine Google or Apple wouldn't bother supporting them if there were.