I do have a tip if you are trying to use it to backup large virtual disk images.
Use snapshots to stop the vhd from being updated all the time. I keep a snapshot running, so that CP only has to scan the smaller snapshot file.
Every couple of weeks I merge the snapshot back into the main file, at which point CP has a few hours work to do to scan the vhd, but at least that means that on a daily basis I get to have a current backup of the image without CP spending hours each day processing a massive file.
That's a good idea for minimising the amount of data that could be changed by the virtual machine, I hadn't thought of that trick.
I'll guess that I'm not the only person out there doing their Windows development in a 50GB VM on OSX

You're not!
Although we use parallels, our actual "data" resides on the mac and is mounted by the VM, so the data gets backed up by the host and doesn't exist inside the VM, the virtual machine basically just exists as a build/test environment, so losing it isn't really much of an issue, it just means creating a new VM image with the necessary build tools and libraries installed - a pain, but not critical and as you say, it's the source code that is all I really care about too.