Well, here's the machine in action, not the worlds most exciting video....I guess you kind of have to be staring at the machine to get mesmerised!

The red flash you see is the line scan camera, this camera can take up to 50,000 pictures a second and performs the optical centring of the components on the fly, this is a massive upgrade on the camera system that was on our old machine.

That particular camera is located on the left hand side of the y-wagon (the part that holds and moves the PCB in and out), hence the reason for the 8mm feeders being on the left hand side of the machine as it can optically centre them on the fly.

The machine itself uses linear motors for the X & Y movement as well as on the magazines for feeding components, it's pretty impressive technology.

Most components on the product we were building can be placed with the hydra head, this picks up 8 components at once (up to so8 sized components). The single mount head picks up anything larger than that.

The feeders on the machine are what are really impressive, probably the best system on the market, quick & easy to load.

We're very pleased with the machine, it's a massive upgrade on our old machine!
