Isn't it possible to simply stop the VPN and have it connecting through your network?
I'm pretty sure that's what we do with my wife's laptop. But I might be wrong...
No. While this might work for something that's already on-screen (like a word document), it surely would create problems with printing emails because Outlook would have lost its connection to the server since the VPN is down.
Oh, BTW, happy birthday!

Ah, that's true, I hadn't thought of Outlook. You could still save everything locally and disconnect from the VPN, couldn't you?
I hadn't thought of Cloud Print as an option. Good idea. I wonder if there's a way around those problems you had with it.
I use printershare on Android to print to a bluetooth printer I have. I wasn't aware of their monthly fee... Maybe there's some fine print somewhere that contradicts that?
The VPN *is* connecting through the network. The problem is the VPN software is effectively firewalling everything but the VPN endpoint to the rest of the system.
Yes yes, I know. I meant that he could disconnect from the VPN and be accessing his network in the same way the other machines in his home were. Sheesh!