You could try
Open Media Vault. I'm running it on an HP
N40L ProLiant microserver, which is a really nice little box. Very quiet, and you can put up to 5 Sata drives into it.
OMV supports a load of media serving and streaming services, as the name would suggest, and there's probably what you want in there to connect to most playback devices.
HP seem to more or less constantly be running a cash back deal on the thing, I got mine after the rebate for about £130. That's not bad for a little VERY well built server with a 250GB drive, 2GB of ram, and a decent processor. I ended up installing OMV on a 20GB laptop drive I had lying around, using one of
these to connect it to the internal USB port, and mounting it underneath the optical drive tray. That leaves me space for all five drives internally. It's got 8TB in it at the moment, which isn't really enough but will do for the moment

I got it doing a shutdown when it's no longer being accessed, but am having issues with wake on LAN not quite working. Other than that, very happy.