Andy, you get next day delivery on Prime? To the US it's 2-day. And you can get an entire family, at different addresses with one prime membership? I'm not sure that applies to the US.
Yes, Prime is next day in the UK. And sometimes you can order very late in the day and still get it next day (depends where you are in the country).
Yes you can have five completely different addresses, as long as they are all in the same family (the surnames don't even need to be identical or anything like that).
We are a reasonably small country (and no doubt the next day thing doesn't apply if you are living on some distant Scottish island), otherwise next day wouldn't be practical.
What special setup is needed to use the one-click ordering?
Nothing very special, you just go into your account settings and tell it which card to associate with which address for 1-click. You can set multiple addresses, with a default, the extra addresses appear in a drop down under the 1-click button.
Could well be slightly different in the US/CA of course (at one point you could change the url on to and the UK page for the product would load, can't do that now it appears the platforms they use have diverged a bit).
And why does the non-one-click require half a million clicks and 6 pages?
To encourage you to use 1-click