Well based on the numbers mentioned it would be more like 10x. I get somewhere in the 20-40Mbit/sec range and have seen 50Mbit at some point (I said Mbyte/sec before).
Ah, my fault, I read MB as Mb in your previous post.
On a completely different note, do yourself a big favor and pick up
Tivo sell what I think i the same
one for a few dollars cheaper. I believe this is their preferred method for streaming to the Mini, that or ethernet, but wireless, even N, is right out..
Yup, Tivo relies on MoCA for the Mini (or ethernet) and I believe can also talk between regular Tivo units the same way. It's also the way many (most? all?) cable providers are handling in-house place-shifting of content.
You're also right that it seems Tivo is charging a little less for those things, though I get two-day shipping through Amazon

Depending on how things work out over the next few months, I may be coming to you for MoCA advise.
Happy to give it! It's pretty straightforward, with a couple little potential snags.