Still no further. Whenever I type the command "make menuconfig", I get the message : "make: *** There is no rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stopped"
I tried Googling, but came up empty. The only thing I could find was
somebody have similar problems, but didn't understand the solution.

I did figure that it had something to do with 64bit vs 32bit , so then I installed 32bit Xubuntu. Unfortunately with the same result.

I'm now seriously considering purchasing a Windows 8 licence, but this seems such a stupid cost since this system will only be used for one thing. Then again, my time is not limitless and it's clear I'm trying something above my understanding here.
I would love to be able to find some sort of course which could explain the in-depths of Linux more to me. So far I've never found one. It can't all be trial and error for sure? I actually did do a Linux course for two years, but that emphasized on the desktop use, while I know the real power is in the command line and that's what I'm more interested in. Everytime I try this, it ends the same: I'm in awe about the long command line functions, with often lots of parameters and flags. Every time I think then: "how does someone know and remember this? How does someone put such long commands together? There must be a system to it?" But so far, I've never been able to untangle that system.
I read an interview with Linus Torvalds last month, in which he says the desktop really is the only market where Linux still plays second (or third) fiddle and he still believes this may change in the future. Well Linus, I'm not saying it's got to become "Apple-simple", but it does need to become simpler than this for this to succeed. I consider myself a power user, but this is really above my understanding (and I hate it!
