Okay, not complete yet, as I am uncertain exactly which driver they want to control the touchscreen. But a bit of experimentation might flush that out.

Here is a shell script. Save it to a file called, say, /usr/local/bin/rebind_touchscreen.sh and make it executable:

chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/rebind_touchscreen.sh

Then run it and see what it does. Maybe even post the output here. I have "debug trace" (aka. "set -x") enabled in the script to help with things.

set -x
# Tell usbtouchscreen driver to not manage the touchscreen.
# Then tell the hid-generic driver to take it over,
# so that it can be run from userspace, ala libusb.

# Note: "hid" stands for "Human Interface Device".


modprobe hid-generic
modprobe usbtouchscreen

if [ -d $HID -a -e $USBTOUCHSCREEN/unbind ]; then
        for dev in [0-9]*[-0-9A-F] ; do
                if [ -e "$dev" ]; then
                        echo "$dev" > unbind
                        echo "$dev" > $HID/bind
exit 0

The uncertainty, is exactly which USB driver needs to be given ownership of the touchscreen. I'm guessing at "hid-generic", but it might instead be "usbhid" or even just plain "hid". That subsystem confuses me, even though I have written (and actively support) some drivers that use the same framework.

So.. ignore all of their kernel suggestions, and just continue along with the rest of the instructions to actually get the touchscreen going. If nothing works, post more info here and I'll have another look after work.
