Wow. It's not often that a computer slowness problem *really* turns out to be a virus. I mean, that's what everyone always says for every computer problem: "Run a virus scan", and it's never a virus. The second most common answer: "Defrag the hard disk" is also never the culprit. So this is pretty novel.

Lol too true. I'd estimate that other than viruses, 9 out of 10 of my clients assume the same two causes for their slow computers:
1) "does it need to be defragged?"
2) "does my [wife/husband] have too much 'stuff' on there?"
I've had over 100 conversations about how 1GB of Word docs and 20GB of photos are not slowing down their computer, especially when their hard drive is 90% free space.
However, I should note that I've seen a handful of computers where free space actually was one of the culprits. It's a fun kind of challenge to work on a computer with 20MB free...