Wifi in the corner. Basement?

Just FYI, there is no wifi in this shot. That device on the left is the Unifi router (Unifi Security Gateway or USG for short). It's configured by the very awkwardly-placed Unifi Cloud Key dangling from the switch.
The access points are positioned on the ceiling of the basement, 1st, and 3rd floors of the home. There's extra soundproofing between the basement and the 1st floor due to the AirBnB, so I figured it would be best to double up on APs. For once, I got to get in on the design phase of this project and make recommendations for cabling runs.
What IS awkward about this setup is that it's in the very top shelf of a dang pantry. I am quite concerned about heat buildup in this thing, which I think is going to have to get addressed at some point. But this was the only location in the whole townhome they'd give me. At least it's a large pantry, and I got them to move everything out of the coat closet which was half as wide and about one fifth the volume!