Anyone know the character limit of ID3V2 tags? If I remember correctly a good number of my files get chopped using ID3V2 tags as well, which is why all three of my jukebox systems use strict filename/directory structure to show the song/album/artist info and ignore the tag all together. This seems to work much better and actually does what the tag was supposed to do better than the tag does.
Some of my filenames can get very, very long. 250+ characters, like:
Bring On The Pain (Monday Night Madness REMIX, featuring Billy Blanks and Morgan Stanley).mp3
So I'll look into this Tag Studio thing,.. but probably will not end up using it simply because it is a Windows based and those tools really don't lend themselves to automation very well.
Since my current tagging script is Linux/Perl based,.. I guess I will probably have to track down the ID3v2 mp3 tagging module and give that a shot. Last I checked though, it had warnings all over it that said it might corrupt the mp3 file as it tried to apply the tag. I don't need to explain why corrupting 16,000+ mp3 files would leave me feeling a bit disapointed.
[stop the technology madness]
[stop the technology madness]