Yes I am sure there was no tag after I ran mp3tag studio,.. or better yet I'll clarify, there was a v2 tag present and all the fields were blank. This is what I did.

* Played a file with mpg123 and the -v flag (shows tags). Tag shows up fine.

* Use mp3tagstudio to remove the tag (success)

* Play the file again with mpg123 -v ,.. tag is completley gone as expected.

* Use mp3tagstudio to tag the file according to my file pattern,.. success reported.

* Play the file again looking for the tag installed by mp3tagstudio, again with mpg123 -v. Tag is printed but all fields are blank.

So to clarify, it does install the tag but it just puts all the fields blank.

--Aaron Newsome

[stop the technology madness]
[stop the technology madness]