My only hope is that, if the RioCar is headed for the coulda-been pile, that the code will get released to the world so that the hackers among us can play with all the stuff that the companies will have decided isn't worth their time and money.

Something to consider: Even if there's any truth to that particular rumor, it wouldn't mean that there won't be any more products without Empeg code. Sonic Blue bought the team and their talent, and it's no secret that they have far-reaching plans for their software. Since the player/database code is their bread and butter, the odds of a GPL release are pretty slim no matter what happens.

Hell, even is Sonic Blue folded completely, the team would probably start another company or find some other way to make use of the existing code base. It's too useful and valuable for them to give it up now.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris