I've been meaning to get round to this for ages but haven't managed it yet. I've started to replicate the original fascia several times in Solid Edge but have never actually finished (it's not difficult, I just haven't had the time). I've also had a go at redesigning the shape of the buttons & opening and at the same time improving the view of the top left of the display for all you guys who drive on the wrong side of the road

. I was imagining brushed Aluminium for the fascia & handle. One thing which has put a bit of a damper on my enthusiasm is that we can't read in 3d solid model files into our CAM package at work so even if I did manage to get around to drawing it up I couldn't make it anyway. The empeg guys do of course already have the solid model file in SolidWorks format. You can find reference to it
here. I'm in the middle of a justification study for SolidEdge & a CAM package such as EdgeCAM for work so we should have the facility to do this kind of work in the future but it isn't going to be RSN.
Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)