I was thinking of trying that. Using the original fascia & plaster of paris for the mould but I don't think you'd get a very good finish. I'd still really like some machined Aluminium fascias anodised in different colours and a couple of plain ones, one polished & one with a brushed finish. We haven't heard anything from Rob or anyone else at Empeg about the SolidWorks model file yet so it doesn't look like it's going to be let out into the wild. Either that or Rob hasn't been on the BBS lately to see our desire to get our grubby mits on it. As I said in one of my other posts I'd really like to create another design or two which improve the view of the top left of the screen for all our fellow empegers who drive on the wrong side of the road

and is also more suited to machining out of solid than the current design.