I assume you have got onto the "Search" tab and have selected the "Advanced" radio button. You can now type a search string or criteria into the text box, then hit the "Search Now" button. I am sure you have sussed this bit.

The clever stuff is knowing what you want to use as a search key, or criteria. One of the ones Roger told me is that a file that has no more references (which therefore does not appear in any playlist) can be found by typing in refs=0 as the search string. This should give you a list of unreferenced files that you can choose to remove from the player, or move into a concrete playlist.

Unforch, I haven't sussed many other fancy ones, other than looking for specific strings in titles or artist names, for example. You'll need to buy Roger a pint for that sort of info...

Alternatively, if you are just looking for way to display marked tracks, right click on a column header in the "Detail" view of a playlist, and you should get a dialogue showing posible columns that can be displayed in the view. Scroll down until you find "Marked" and select it to add it to the column header list in the position you want to see it.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015