Yeap to aeverything you said. The team is really proud of the artwork and what they've pulled out of the engine. One of the interface designers sits right behind me so i've been hearing endless critiques on game flow and interface quality. It looks damn good.
In other LucasArts news... we all got our copy of Rogue Leader for GC today... which sorta sucks since none of us have a GC to play on, them not being out until next week and all. argh... i gotta go hunt down a development machine to commandere for an hour. I've seen some of the testers playing it though... and it's pretty safe to say you'll be blown away by the graphics. It's a step above what Starfighter was for the PS2 in regards to graphics quality breakthroughs for a console.
Matt, where do you work? I see you're a game developer. (I work at LucasArts in case you haven't gleaned that yet =)