Not yet. I'm "hoping" to have the first complete aluminum prototype this by the end of this weekend. I'll take some pictures of the fabrication process and post them.

Anodizing looks great. Clear anodizing will leave the brushed aluminum look. I'm still looking at December when I will begin shipping out the first units. This is because the first 7 units are already spoken for. 3 are going to the Empeg guys, 4 are getting anodized in each of the available colors for my collection. From there I'll be able to pump out 1-2 a day. My wife is just going to love hearing the mill scream away nearly 24 hours a day. I'll get some pictures of it cutting the aluminum, it's a fun site to see.

When I begin taking orders it will be first come first serve. I will take orders via e-mail and give you a queue number (sound framiliar?). Once your facia is scheduled for cutting I will notify you. Once it is cut and I receive payment I will ship it out asap.

Edited by CruzThs (06/11/2001 18:58)